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For example window cleaner, bathroom cleaner, floor cleaner, laundry detergent, any type of pet products, etc....I just want to try to go green and would rather make them myself, so any tips on how to make any type of cleaning product would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much!
yes there is a really good company tht is all organic stuff and i cant remember the name but it has a green leave on the cleaning products...there is also on the cheaper side "method" from target! ALL ECO FRIENDLY
white vinegar is an all-purpose solvent to clean windows, counters, etc.baking soda is a mild abrasive you can use to scrub bathtubs, sinks, etc.
There are a lot of sites out there these days that have "green" and homemade cleaners. I enclosed some.I clean for the most part with Rubbing alcohol, white vinegar, baking soda, borax, salt, and lemons. I "refresh" my air with a boil of spices (I add pumpkin pie spices to boiling water which perfumes the air naturally as the spices give off an odor in the steam of the boiling water.) I use old t-shirts and old towels as rags. And I use shredded newspapers, shredded junk mail, shredded school homework, etc. in the bottom of my house trash cans to collect any drips etc to make their clean up less toxic on my nose.
I haven't tried them yet, but Clorox has a line of green cleaning products. They are pretty inexpensive too, a couple of dollars at Walmart I think.
Baking Soda * A lot of your household cleaning can be done with baking soda. In your bathroom and kitchen, sprinkle baking soda on non-scratch surfaces, such as countertops, sinks, cutting boards, refrigerators, and more. Scrub the surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge (remember to wash your sponges in the dishwasher with your dishes). * This can also be used to clean out appliances. Create a paste with baking soda and water and coat the inside of the appliance with the paste. Allow to sit overnight, and scrub out the next day. * Cleaning out your plugged up drains can also be done with baking soda. Pour 1/2 cup into the drain, and follow with 2 cups of boiling water. * Use one cup of baking soda for a medium sized room, and sprinkle on your carpets as a deodorizer. Allow to sit for half an hour, and then vacuum. * Mix 1/4 cup baking soda with 1 cup vinegar and pour into your toilet bowl. Let it sit for a few minutes and scrub. * For more tips on baking soda, visit 30 baking soda tips at About Green Living.White Vinegar or Lemon Juice * Use for stains, mildew and grease. Spray on, and then scrub. You can use a stiff brush, if necessary. * Use 2 tablespoons of white vinegar (or undiluted lemon juice) mixed with a gallon of water to spray your windows and mirrors. Use newspaper to wipe off, to reduce streaking. * To clean wood floors, mix 1/4 cup white vinegar with 3 3/4 cups water. Spray onto a cloth or towel until damp, and use to wipe floors and restore shine.Club Soda * Club soda can also be used in place of vinegar or lemon juice for cleaning glass. * Use for spills on carpets. Remove any solid matter from the spill, then pour on club soda. Blot with a rag.Plain Old Soap * For a chemical free disinfectant, mix together 2 cups of water, 3 tablespoons of liquid soap, and 20-30 drops of tea tree oil. * For carpet spot cleaning, mix 1/4 cup liquid soap with 1/3 cup water in your blender until foamy. Scrub the spot, and rinse with vinegar.