Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
We really enjoy this it can be a refreshing luncheon with some crusty warm rolls or goes with grilled chops or sausages.
You can place this in lettuce leaves, I like to hollow out the halves of a good sized cantaloupe, mixing the fruit from inside with the 5 c. of diced chicken,1 c. of sliced celery 3 c. of grapes the with1/2 c of mayo and maybe a little more if using melon and 1.2 c. sour cream I also add a little lemon juice and zest..about 1 lemon now for the dressing 1/2 c. jellied cranberry sauce 1/2 c. veggie oil 1/4c. apple vinegar, 1 tea. sugar, salt,1/2 tea. paprika,1/4 tea. dry mustard. Mix well and spoon over chicken, pass what is left for those who want more. A papaya may also be used to hold the salad...Chill well