Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3 3-oz bars Toblerone
1/2 c Light or heavy cream
2 T Kirsch, brandy or Cointreau

Break the Toblerone into separate triangular pieces. Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan or small chafing dish. Stir over *low* heat until the chocolate is melted and smooth.

For dunkables, serve each person a plate with one, or a combination, of the following: Angelfood cake, or ladyfingers, cut in chunks Orange or tangerine slides, strawberries, bananas, Profiteroles of puff pastry

(A note from Diane Duane: This recipe I include because of personal interest. It was invented in the 1950's at the New York restaurant of an old friend of ours, Konrad Egli. Konni is now retired, and Chalet Suisse is unhappily long gone: but the dessert lives on, and has made its way back to Switzerland.)