Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
16 slices of Bread ( crust removed)
4 slices 1/4 inch thick of Black Forest Ham
1 1/2cups shredded chesse ( medium)
In a blender put:
6 eggs
1/2 tea. salt
1/2 tea. pepper
1/2 tea. dry mustard
1/4 cup onion ( chopped fine)
1/4 cup green pepper ( chopped fine)
1/2 tea .worchestershire sauce
3 cups milk
dash of tabasco sauce
1/4 pound butter
2 cups rice krispies
OR corm flakes OR special K
Method :
Butter 9x13 pan baking dish
place 8 slices of bread
cover with ham
then bread again
Pour Egg mixture over ALL
Let stand overnight in the fridge
place cereal on top in the morning ....
before baking drizzle the butter over
the cereal
Bake at 350 for 1 1/2 hour
then let it sit for 10 mins.before serving