Germination failing in greenhouses?


New member
I'm a first time gardener and I planted a ton of flower seeds in little greenhouse kits from walmart called Jiffy7, put alot of the time they don't sprout. I was leaving the lids on while living in florida, but then I stopped that someone told me they might be getting cooked... they are sprouted better but not always. Any tips?
trial and error, some of the seeds might have been bad, or the heat was too high. they might be waterlogged or under watered,research your seeds on the net to find best situation for germination, but don`t give up, i lost alot of seed when i first started but now i can germinate seeds pretty well,(even if i do say so myself lol) hope this helps!!
Could be bad seeds or could be not enough CO2. It could be that you have too much water or even that it is too cold. Those little 'kits' are a joke, best not to use them.You can also shock the plants if you have them really hot, then cold. Cooking them is a possibility too, it they get too hot.