Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
2 cups of milk
6 whole eggs
1 cup of sugar or splenda (I cannot tell a taste difference)
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 shots of Amaretto or 1 shot of vanilla (I like the Amaretto better)
sprinkle a little nutmeg if you like nutmeg (I do)

Mix the whole thing until the sugar is dissolved
I use a 9" glass pie plate and the folded pie crust from the store
Pour the whole shooten match into the pie plate an bake it for about 50 minutes at 350. Do not remove from the oven until you get a clean knife from the center.
Let cool and enjoy.
I have also used the pie crust that comes with the tin plate but I don't like it as well because the tin does not release the pie pieces as well as the glass plate.