Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Preparation Time: 10 mins
Number of Servings: 4


* pack of prawns, or two chicken brests diced
* garlic, crushed
* two small onions, fine chopped
* a bell pepper, fine chopped
* four or five mushrooms
* one chilli pepper, fine chopped
* two eggs, beaten
* noodles for four people
* black pepper
* soy sauce
* fish sauce (opional)

Directions: put water on to boil, then add noodles. simultaneously, heat oil in a wok, add garlic and onions. fry, then add pepper and mushrooms, stir fry breifly, then add prawns (or chicken) and seasonings. when the meat is cooked add the egg, and stir. by this point the noodles want to be cooked and drained. while the egg is still fairly runny put in the noodles, and then stir well. The idea being to coat the noodles in the egg and seasoning mixture. like egg fried rice. Play with the seasonings, extra ginger is good, or chili powder or sauce if you like hotter thai food.