Having twins soon and I'm worried about chickenpox, can anyone help?

Twin Mammy

New member
I've had chickenpox twice, so I know I'm probably immune to it now but my boyfriend has never had it and I'm worried about him getting it if the kids get it when they're finally here.What can happen if he catches it? Can it make him infertile? I know shingles is a risk when you get it when you're older.
If your boyfriend never had chicken pox, he should probably get a vaccination. I had chicken pox when I was ten. It can cause some bigger problems in adults. They now have a vaccine for it. I would not worry about the babies getting it, it mostly happens with school age kids. Just get them vaccinated. One thing to know though, if your boyfriend does not get vaccinated before they do, he should not change their diapers and such for a few days after they get the shot. The chicken pox vaccine is made from the virus. There is a chance they will get one or two spots of chicken pox, which is contageous, and the virus will also be present in their poo and he could catch it that way.Hope this helps!
It is common practice now for children to be immunized for chicken pox. It is called Varicella vaccine, and since pediatricians have started regularly administering it, chicken pox has become increasingly rare in children. I recommend that both you and your boyfriend get immunized. It's common practice for adults to get the vaccine since it was not available when most adults were young, especially adults who work with the sick, elderly, or children. Your boyfriend should get it as soon as possible, you should get it after the children are born (when your doctor thinks it is safe for you), and the children should get it at one year with a booster 3 months to 4 years after the first. Your pediatrician will most likely automatically give this with the rest of your children's immunizations.Even though you have had chicken pox twice, you are still at risk for shingles. Shingles occurs when the original chicken pox virus goes dormant but stays in your system, and then resurfaces in adult years. Though infertility from infection can happen, it is very rare, so I would not worry about that too much. Congratulations on the twins!
The older you are, the worse it CAN be on the body. That doesn't mean he will catch it or that he will have any side effects. In the US, most people have had a vaccination against chicken pox and all children are required to have it so there is not much of an issue. If that is not the case in the UK, chances are he will be fine unless he is around someone with chicken pox that still has runny sores and fever. Once the pustules are drying, they are not contagious. Anyone would know if they were at that stage with the infection or if they had children at this stage. Just ask and make everyone aware of your concern. He may have a sort of natural immunity to it if he hasn't developed it by this age. In the worst case scenario, there is medication that is given to speed up the recovery rate and lessen the symptoms. I really don't think this is something you should actively worry about unless you know of an infection.Your body will provide natural immunity for the babes. If you can provide breast milk, more immunity for them after birth. Then they will be vaccinated. Hope this helps you stop worrying!
he wont get vaccinated here in UK we dont do it,it wont make him sterile if he gets it ,just very poorly ,i had it when i was 29 and never felt so ill,shingles comes long after you have had chickenpox,it comes from the virus flaring up in a nerve ending,and is very painful.its mumps that causes infertility
I've never had it and was in contact witha work colleague when I was 5wks pregnant so I went to the GP who took bloods to check my immunity and I was immune. It's more than likely your boyfriend would be immune. I might be wrong but I think its Measles that can cause fertility problems for men.