How do you get the smell of Indian food out of a house?


New member
The woes of a smelly home--my parents have a multi-level "great-room" style home--essentially the entire house is like one huge room. My parents, being Indian, cook Indian cuisine every day. The entire house REEKS of Indian food, and not in a good way. We've tried candles, house spray, electric machines that claim to remove smells...any other tips on how to get their house to stop smelling like an angry spice rack? Product suggestions are welcome!Going to burn some frankincense now, Michelle


New member
Set small bowls of white vinegar throughout the house. The vinegar will absorb the odors. Make sure to set out several in the kitchen.

maureen c

New member
using the vent fan above the stove whenever cooking will help remove smells. the filters in the range hood fan need to be taken out and washed often. frequent washing of kitchen cupboard doors,curtains and walls near stove will help remove lingering cooking spatters/smells.

Tammy s

New member
ok, this may sound weird, but I SWEAR it works too. Put some scope mouth wash in a bowl, let is sit out for a couple hours, it soaks up the oders real fast.


New member
I gave each answer a thumbs up, because they all work. I boil water half-full in a big pot, add cinnamon sticks, ginger root and vanilla, lower heat to simmer. Real estate agents use this trick to make houses smell fresh and welcoming.If possible open windows and doors while cooking.