How long after a miscarriage will a home pregnancy test be accurate?


New member
I was 7 weeks along when I had a miscarriage, everything was natural, no d&c. It has been about 5 weeks since the start of the miscarriage (it lasted about a week) I took 2 home pregnancy tests yesterday and they both came out positive, could this be because my hcg levels are still up from the miscarriage or is it more likely that I am pregnant?
I have the same question!!! I too miscarried at 7 weeks along no d&c and am hoping i'm pregnant again. I'm way too early to take a test but the wait is KILLING me I want so badly to be pregnant again and wonder if I really am or is this just hopeful thinking??!! Sorry no answers for you but it's nice to hear someone's in the same boat as me. Best of luck to you.....I'm sorry for your loss.
I had a miscarriage and it took way over a month for my HCG levels to go down. I had to see the Doc every week for a blood test. When the levels finally went back to normal I had a period three weeks later. Sounds to me like your levels are still up, wait another week and then call your Doc.