How soon after having a miscarriage did you conceive and have a normal pregnancy?


New member
Of course my doctor suggests to wait at least 2 or 3 normal cycles before trying again, so I will do that. But, I was just wondering if you'd like to share your success stories after having suffered a miscarriage. I guess I just need to hear some positive stories right now.

cindy s

New member
I had a miscarriage in june of 2007 and concieved again in september, 21/2 moths later and am now 29 weeks. good luck it will happen for you.

Mommy and Wife

New member
I'm sorry about your loss. I had a miscarriage June 21st, 2005 and got pregnant July 7th, 2005 and delivered a healthy BIG boy on March 22nd, 2006! Good Luck...


New member
My Dr said that waiting 2-3 cycles was more for mental healing. I booked a vacation to Mexico to have something to look forward to and 6 weeks later on that trip we got pregnant!He is now 12 months old and perfect. We are epecting again in july. I know how you are feeling right now, it is depressing. But I believe that God works in ways we will never know! Good Luck!!


I conceived my 2 and a half year-old daughter about two weeks after a miscarriage. My doctor told me to wait and be careful but it was an accident. I had a successful pregnancy and she is a beautiful 2 and a half year old with no problems (except for the terrible two's :p ) Good luck!


New member
I lost #2 in November 2007 at 11 weeks ( the baby stopped developing at 6 weeks ) I had a D&C. We tried in Dec & got pregnant. I just made in into my second trimester. Yaay!!
i miscarried 6 jan 2007, on my birthday stink aye?i found out i was pregnant again on the 11th july (i think)and now i am due on the 16th april. so it took about 6 or 7 months.good luck and be patient !

Katie Girl

New member
My husband and I found out that our twins had passed away at 11 weeks- we were devastated. All I could think about was getting pregnant again and the nurse at my Dr. office told me that we should be waiting 2-3 cycles before trying again. When I went in for a follow up appointment after my D&C my dr told me that we could start trying right away and that my body would know when it was ready to concieve again. We became pregnant 3 months later- and we are getting ready to have a baby boy (hopefully this week!)

Baby girl

New member
I first got pregnant in 2006. I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. 3 months later I was pregnant again and unfortunately had another miscarriage at 10 weeks. 4 months later I'm pregnant again and I'm now 34 weeks and all is going great.