Is it better to stay at a hotel/resort or a vacation home in Kauai?

How many people are you sharing the place with? Under 4, hotel/resort may have the advantage.How much cooking are you planning on doing? Very little, hotel/resort has the edge.The larger your group, the more cooking and utilization of the extras you get from renting a house, the more the equation shifts in your favor.All things being equal, you may be able to find a house to rent for about the same as a resort would cost you, but a little more than a hotel room would cost, which is why the number of people becomes a factor.Or if you just like the idea of having a little more privacy, then the house becomes more appealing.On a recent trip to the Big Island, we rented a house, but there were 4 adults, one infant and it worked out well. Cost wise, we probably came out ahead over having ro rent two rooms at a hotel plus had cooking and laundry facilities...and a lot more privacy and homey environment. Good luck..either way, I'm sure you'll have fun!
resorts are always luxe in hawaiiBUT the plantation cottages on kauai are TO DIE for
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