Malayasian Babi Tempra(Fried Pork with Lime Juice and Soy Sauce)

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1 lb pork, sliced
1 tsp chopped garlic
4 onions sliced thinly
4 fresh red chillies, sliced crosswise
5 Tbsp lime juice
4 Tbsp brown sugar
5 Tbsp dark soy sauce (Kecap Pekat)
3 Tbsp oil
½ tsp salt


1. Heat oil in wok. Add onions and garlic and stir fry for 1 to 2 minutes, or until golden.
2. Add chillies and then pork.
3. When pork is half cooked, add sugar, dark soy sauce, lime juice and salt.
4. Simmer for 45 minutes on low heat.
5. Serve with plain rice.