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Recipe Feeder
From Colorado Cache Jr. League Cookbook, 1978
3 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 or 2 green, red, or yellow bell peppers, chopped finely
1 cucumber, peeled, seeded and chopped
1 cup finely chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped green onion or sweet white onion
4 cups tomato juice (I use V-8 for better flavor)
5 tablespoons red wine vinegar
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 tsp. salt (I cut way back on this, to taste)
1/2 tsp. fresh ground black pepper
(Optional: your favorite herbs)

2 avocados, chopped
Sour cream

Be sure all vegetables are finely chopped. (A knife does a better job
than a food processor.) Combine all in a non-metallic bowl and chill
overnight. Serve soup cold with a dollop of sour cream on each serving.
Pass croutons and avocados in bowls.