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Apple Pineapple Relish
Teriyaki Aioli


Heat 1/2 oz. sesame oil and 1 oz. salad oil in saute pan over high heat. Add medallions. Saute medallions for 3 minutes on each side. (Tuna should be cooked medium rare.) Place quesadillas under broiler; broil on each side until warm and crisp. Saute relish briefly in teflon pan; use no fat. Place two medallions in center of each plate. Cut quesadillas in half; place one half at top of plate and other half at bottom. Place 2 oz. portion of relish at one o'clock position on plate. Top tuna with dollop of aioli; crown with dried pineapple chip. Glazed chayote squash also can be used to enhance theme and flavor of dish.


Season: Year round
Food cost: Moderate
Wine notes: Fume Blanc 1989, Chardonnay 1989

History: Combination of two cultures blended together in common areas of flavor.

Special Ingredients: Dried pineapple, daikon (Japanese radish)