Leaf Ley

New member
Recently I took a job at a wendys. One part is daily cleaning of the grill. It takes me forever to do it, and I only have 3 hours to do that and several other task. It is seperated into 3 top parts with a flat surface. You would lower one part down onto the lower to cook both sides of a burger at once. The top parts are so dirty and in such an odd angle it is hard to scrub them using only degreaser and a small scrub pad that they provide. Any tips on how to get it clean faster? I had used a paint scrapper, but it has disappeared. Any help will be appreciated.
Yeah, a scrapper would probably help. What I always did when I worked the grill is to make sure I kept the area always clean, and I didn't let things get out of control and grease to get everywhere. An easy way to to clean the grills is to have them on high heat and put water on them and scrub them down with a thick rag soaked in water so that you don't get burnt. Or you can use the scrapper once you find it to guide the rag along the surface of the grill so that your hand doesn't stand a chance of getting burnt. I've found that really hot water takes almost anything off of dishes, grills, etc.
They should provide you with a scrapper and if you cant find one I would ask them to get you another one. If the will allow it (some places have rules against this) try cleaning it while its hot cuz stuff doesn't stick as bad when its hot.
That's nuts that they don't provide you with a grill brick for scrubbing. During your shift constantly keep scraping off excess grease. Then after you turn it off pour some hot water on it that has a little splash of soap, like Dawn. Scrub scrub scrub. Then take a damp towel and wipe it off. I used to take me less than 10 minutes to clean a flat grill.