What is the percentage of miscarriage after an amniocentisis?


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I just found out that my AFP test, which I only took because I'm 38, had some abnormalities. What does this mean? What are my chances of miscarriage from an amnio?

Just Me

New member
I don't know what the percentages are, but that is one of the reasons I did not have one. I just did not want to take the chance.


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Usually there isn't anything wrong. My levels were high and the specialist didn't see any abnormalities in the detailed ultrasound. Regardless of the percentage, I wouldn't risk it PERIOD. Your baby could be very healthy, perfectly normal and you'll risk the chance of losing him/her just because you want to make sure nothings wrong. The detailed ultrasound should be able to spot something serious. Just go with that.


New member
Hey my AFP came out abnormal for my son and the doctor was suppose to perform an amniocentesis and I decided not to take that risk and I have a healthy 9 year old son.


New member
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the rate of miscarriage is between one in 400 and one in 200 procedures. The procedure also carries an extremely low risk of uterine infection (less than one in 1,000), which can cause miscarriage.


New member
Since you're older than 35, you have an increased risk of a chromosomal abnormality or genetic disease. Which means, the baby can have neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Miscarriage is the biggest risk of an amnio, occurring in anywhere from 1/200 to 1/400 cases. Be sure to ask the doctor who will peform the test what his/her miscarriage rate is; it may be considerable lower-or higher-than these averages. I hope you nothing but goodluck.


New member
At 38 weeks why bother...in a week or two baby will be here and you will know for sure if there is any thing wrong...I wouldnt take the chance of having one even if there is the slightest risk of something going wrong...you have come so far...and in a few short weeks baby will be in your arms...
my AFP test was also abnormal and i now have a healthy two year old and am pregnant with child number two i had a detailed ultrasound with my first and decided not to do the amniocentesis . An AFP test measures three hormones beta-hcg alpha fetoprotein and unconjugated estriol or ue3. If it is high this can mean and inaccurate gestational age, multiples, gastroscesis, neural tube defect. If it is low this could mean down syndrome or inaccurate gestational age. The test should be done between 16 and 18 weeks for better results.