What to do if you have a miscarriage in the middle of the night?


New member
What do you do if you have what you think is a miscarriage in the middle of the night and your doctors is closed?do you go to the hospital and if so what all will they do to you?OR if you go to a birthing center and there is someone on call will they meet you up at the center even if its closed no matter what time? and what will they do?I am 12 Weeks.

Mikki M

New member
I would call your doctor because they should have an answering service that will get in touch with the doctor. If nothing else go to the hospital because they will be able to help you as well.


New member
It depends on how far along you are. In both cases, I will call the doctor, and see what she or he thinks you should do. If you are in the second trimester, I will definitely go to the emergency room. During the first trimester, your doctor will most likely tell you there is nothing they can do to stop a miscarriage, and give you a choice of going to the e.r. or waiting to see them in the morning.


New member
hospital..if i had a miscarriage id go to the hospital right away before my doctor...id call my doctor and meet him at the hospital you can get treated better at the hospital, plus if you're pregnant you should be able to call your doctor 24/7


New member
if something does happen you should try and get a hold of your doctor but if your doctor isnt available at a late hour,.. then try to go to the ER. But if you are going to a birthing center call them as soon as you can and see what they tell you to do,.. because maybe they cant do anything,.. or they might have you go to them and not the er,..


New member
I would call 911 immediately. You could start hemorrhaging which could lead to other complications. I'm an ob nurse. you need to call 911 or have some one drive you to your nearest hospital. best of luck.If you go to the hospital. they will do a routine check up then the rest will be up to your regular ob doctor because it all depends on your health and the health of the fetus so far. it also depends how far along you are also. there are many things that could happen at your nearest hospital. a birthing center would probably call 911. that's what happened to one patient who was actually my sister in law. more than likely, you will end up in the emergency room tonight

peas in a pod

New member
I would call 911 but if your up for driving (which I doubt you will be unless someone is driving you) then go to the emergency room STAT

Stephen W

New member
I can only tell you from having 2 miscarrages (both around 12 wks) and 2 births that a miscarriage is simular to having a baby... very painful and very bloody. At 12 weeks the reality is that there is nothing a dr can do to stop it. He/she will want to check a week or so after to make sure everything came out. Otherwise, don't waste your time and money going to the ER. There is a reason your baby could not continue to live and grow. The best thing to do is be comfy at home with those you love and call your doctor in the morning.


New member
i would go to the er. i went there and they took care of it, and your ob should make a follow up appointment asap.