What vitamins and food/drinks can you take to increase energy and attention?


New member
Other than B12, meat, fruits and vegetable and water. I mean specific fruits or vegetable and specific vitamins.
well pretty much all b vitamins are associated with energy.but chromium, in small small doses. and L-Carnitine ...and whats the other?...ginseng yea that hims. i also think people say lycopene is for focus
Below are a list of some of the more popular memory / focus / concentration / attention improving products. You can find them in local health food stores and the internet. 1.http://focusfast.com/ 2.http://www.vivimind.com/ Focus Fast is stimulant free and contains the most ingredients. Vivimind is the newest product on the market There are also a few others that are pretty good that you can find in the 'Wellness and Health' sections of the above mentioned stores, or even through google. It's a big market right now. The downside to that is ... there are a lot of crappy or 'cheap' products ... usually single ingredient 'wonder pills' or just a re-branded multi-vitamin. It's kind of easy to spot them because they just *look* cheap. As for food help ... Fish Oils and anything high in Omega 3s are considered 'brain food'. Also, small amounts of caffeine can help with CNS stimulation for short periods of time - just be sure to take it black! Putting anything inside it negates the affects.