Why am I obsessed with something being wrong with my pregnancy?


New member
It is definitley in my nature to over think everything, but this is taking the joy out of this amazing time in my life. Any suggestions? Anyone else do this to themselves? (in pregnancy or anything else) All opinions are treasured. Really. Thanks!
Your body is going through "turmoil" at the moment - your hormones are all over the place and of course you are worried/anxious about baby, it's completely natural. All mums have felt this way at some time or another during pregnancy. What you need to do is find things to take your mind off worrying - try lavender oil it will help to de-stress you. Find time to relax , do your favourite thing - crossword, reading, sewing, cooking - whatever relaxes you try it! Good Luck x
I think that it is probably natural to panic a little during your ppregnancy and fear that something is wrong. Try talking to your doctor; he or she may be able to help. I think that thoughts like you are having are totally normal - I had a friend who thought terrible thoughts while she was pregnant and after she gave birth - and she got through it.
its completely normal to be worried, that's just the motherly instinct, just relax and trust everything will be okay!!!btw congrats!!!
Is this your first pregnancy? Congratulations!Its' normal to worry about things, but not too much. I understand that this is a new experience for you and you just want to be sure everythings fine.....and I'm sure it is. So take it easy....a day at a time. Relax and think about how happy you are going to be where this darling little creation is born.God bless you, and take good care of yourself.
You're right. Sometimes we think it's just not possible for things to be great and wonderful in our lives. We may think that we just don't deserve it. But this is not true. You do deserve it. Let it happen. You don't have to "think" your way into joy. Joy is about experiencing things.
oh yes sweetheart... I did that constantly! I think it all has to do with the fact that you are going to be a mom soon and it is scary. your already worrying about your baby and i think it can be a good sign. Try some relaxation exercises though and think about all of the joy you will experience once the baby is born. You are not alone for sure. My baby is 14 years old now and I remember the feelings off worry like it was yesterday .
Welcome to the world of pregnancy, it will all be about your hormones driving you insane. you will have lots of great memory's at the end of it but being a parent really is all about worry worry and more worry. yes its the best thing I ever did have children but I have not stopped worrying since they was born and I doubt I will till the day I die. take care good luck and congratulations.