Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 1/2 cups butter 375 mL
2 cups sugar 500 mL
1 cup unsalted almonds, chopped 250 mL
4 oz semisweet chocolate bits 115 g
1 cup grated almonds 250 mL

Combine butter and sugar in a heavy pan. Set candy thermometer in pan. Cook over low heat until sugar dissolves, stirring constantly. Continue cooking until thermometer reads 260°F/144.4°C. Add almonds chopped, and cook until thermometer reads 300°F/166.7°C. Pour into a buttered shallow pan. Let stand until cold.

Remove the block of candy from pan. Melt chocolate over hot water and pour 1/2 over candy block and sprinkle with 1/2 of the grated almonds.

When the chocolate is cold, turn candy over and pour remaining chocolate over it. Sprinkle with rest of grated nuts. When second coating of chocolate is cold, break the candy into pieces.

Makes about 2 lb/1 kg. Keep in refrigerator or in a cool place.
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