
  1. J

    Help! I need tips on how to fix my kitchen sink?

    When the water is on full blast the sink is blocked and the water runs down very slowly. I found a product in the supermarket with acid to break down grease and clogging particles. It doesn't seem to work. Also when I pour boiling water the sink makes growling noises. What other simple...
  2. T

    does anyone have any tips on how to unclog a kitchen drain?

    does anyone have any tips on how to unclog a kitchen drain?
  3. A

    My friends kitchen is a mess?

    She wants me to help her clean her kitchen which is almost as bad as being worthy enough to be on thos How Clean Is your House? shows I want some kitchen cleaning tips that I can use to clean her kitchen. Can you help me?I am helping her clean it.And also I WANT to help she's not making me do...
  4. K

    I want to paint my kitchen cupboards, what paint should i use Any tips please?

    I want to paint my kitchen cupboards, what paint should i use Any tips please?
  5. H

    I stopped up the Kitchen sink with potato peels. It's not moving at all. Got any good tips?

    I know not to put drain cleaner in a no-moving drain - right?
  6. B

    Tips for organizing?

    I am trying to clean my apartment and am feeling very overwhelmed. I just feel like there isn't enough space to put everything we own. Not to mention we just received a lot of gifts from a household shower. Many we aren't going to open until we move because our kitchen is so small right now. Any...
  7. B

    I want to clean my whole house tomorrow ?

    Ok Here is a list of all I want to do when I wake up. I am going to bed after this it is 10:56pm and I will rise at 8am Help with what first. Do's and Don'ts ...Household cleaning and organizing tips would be great... Thanks Yahoo answers 1rst of course .Do Dishes , Organize Kitchen cupboards...
  8. A

    most of the costs of the vacation (airfare, hotel, and forgone wages) are measured in dollars,?

    but the benefits of the vacation are psychological. How can you compare the benefits to the costs?
  9. M

    What is the best post pregnancy diet and exercise?

    Anyone have any good tips for getting your pre pregnancy body back ( or as close as i can get it lol) I want to start a healthy diet and exercise program that will be good on my body but still have time for my family.
  10. A

    Saving money AND the planet?

    What are your tips for household cleaning and maintenance which fulfill both these objectives?For instance, instead of buying lots of different cleaners, I use soda crystals for everything, which are very cheap, contain no phosphates or bleach, and are biodegradable. They can be used for...
  11. C

    Household money saving tips, storage ideas & furniture reycling ideas?

    I have recently moved into my first apartment, and I was wondering if you have any useful household management tips? I'd love to hear everyones ideas on how to save a little money (recycling old furniture & clothes, coupons, buying/keeping food & cleaning products etc...), how to maximise...
  12. Just Me

    Unique household tips?

    I have been on the lookout for any kind of uncommon, possibly funds saving household hints. Anything at all, just share your ideas. For instance: What do you do to save cash with housecleaning, cooking, living expenses or even anything, or any idea what is definitely a much better or more...
  13. P

    Any common household cleaners or personal care items that I can use to clean white leather & suede sneakers?

    I already have scuff marks on my brand new mostly leather white sneakers. I'd like to keep them bright white. Window cleaner doesn't work. The toe tip is suede. Is there anything I already have around the house, like toothpaste or other things, that I can use to keep them in tip-top shape...
  14. J

    DIY Household Tips 4 Me?

    I need tips like "use shaving cream to remove carpet stains" and "use olive oil to to get rid of squeaky wheels".
  15. L

    Tips cleaning a fast food grill?

    Recently I took a job at a wendys. One part is daily cleaning of the grill. It takes me forever to do it, and I only have 3 hours to do that and several other task. It is seperated into 3 top parts with a flat surface. You would lower one part down onto the lower to cook both sides of a burger...
  16. A

    is a $500 PG&E bill possible for a 5-person household or is something wrong?

    We live in California, there are 5 showers taken at the house a day, 10 loads of laundry a week. The heat is turned up to 75 degrees for about 16 hours a day and turned down to 60 for the other 8 hours of the day. If this does not seem weird to you could you give us some energy conservation...
  17. P

    When did you last clean the refrigerator coils?,2041,DIY_14119_2276123,00.html
  18. A

    Is There Hypnosis For Better Organizational Skills?

    Ok ladies and gents... I have a hard time keeping a tidy house. While I'm no pig (you can still see the floor, but there tends to be clean, unfolded laundry sitting around, or the dishes sometimes go dirty after dinner, I don't dust a whole lot, ect.) I have a really difficult problem keeping my...
  19. I

    Cleaning with Vinegar?

    Any one have any household cleaning tips that i can use Vinegar or maybe other household remedies...Im allergic to bleach so im looking to clean with things i have in my home.
  20. L

    What are some good ten minute tips on how to clean something small in the household?

    What are some good ten minute tips on how to clean something small in the household?