
  1. T

    Is the H1N1 vaccine a way to reduce the population?

    John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planetBook he authored in 1977 advocates for extreme totalitarian measures to control the populationForced abortions. Mass sterilization. A Planetary Regime with the power of life and death over...
  2. S

    What is the chance of Miscarriage when planning for the Second Baby?

    Hi, My Wife was pregnant it was about 5 to 6 weeks, and went through Miscarriage, What is the chance of Miscarriage when planning for the Second Baby
  3. S

    What are the chances of miscarriage when you have morning sickness?

    I just found out that I'm pregnant, and I'm so excited about it. I'm worried about the risk of miscarriage though. I'm 24, healthy, don't smoke, eat well, and exercise. I have really bad all day sickness (not just mornings), what are the chances of miscarriage?
  4. B

    After a miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy who had a successful pregnancy?

    I just took an ept it came back positive!!!!!! I am excited yet nervous all of my pregnancies have been unsuccessful one in a miscarriage the other ectopic (tubal pregnancy). So i am scared to death who has had the same problems with a successful pregnancy?Thank you ladies!!!! You all have been...
  5. S

    How early in a pregnancy can a miscarriage occur?

    I've been pregnant for about a month now, but I recently have had horrible stomach cramps and bleeding. Is it possible that this is a miscarriage?
  6. L

    How long does it take to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

    I had a miscarriage in June and had to have a D & C. I've had one normal period since then and I took a test yesterday and it came back positive. Do I have a higher risk of having another miscarriage? Or am I in the "safe zone" because I've had a period in between?
  7. C

    How often do pregnancies end up in miscarriage without the woman knowing?

    For example: A woman is pregnant and doesn't know it, but has what she thinks is a period, but is actually a miscarriage. How common is that? Thanks in advance!
  8. Katie Girl

    What is the risk of miscarriage in the 2nd trimester?

    I know that you have a 15% chance of miscarriage in the first trimester, but what about in the 2nd? You always hear that your risk is "significantly lower," but does anyone have a percentage or a number?
  9. V

    What are the chances of miscarriage for someone with endometriosis?

    And what are the chances of miscarriage for someone with no endometriosis?Please give me some percentages. If you have a link to your source, I would really appreciate it.Thanks!
  10. Molly

    What is the most important period during pregnancy, during which nutrition should be as optimal as possible?

    Which nutrients have greater needs during pregnancy?What kinds of pregnancies are “at-risk”?
  11. Mom

    How'd you feel about limiting pregnancy by requiring birth control from first menstration until the age of 21?

    I suppose this would be considered the "solution" to the teen pregnancy problem. And yes, I am aware of constitutional impediments to restricting procreation and religious opposition to birth control in general. Thoughts?follow-up: wouldnt be so silly to assume that kids would be responsible...
  12. Mom

    How soon and what types of exercises should I do after pregnancy?

    Once this pregnancy is over, I will have about 60 pounds worth of weight to lose from my present pregnancy and weight that I never lost from 2 previous pregnancies. How soon after I give birth can I start to exercise? What kinds of exercises are most effective to lose the type of weight gained...
  13. Molly

    What are some good exercises to do during pregnancy?

    I'm in the first trimester of my 3rd pregnancy (my children are 9 and 3). I didn't really exercise through those pregnancies, but would like to keep active during this one. Anything you have to share is appreciated!
  14. W

    When does fertility start to decrease?

    I'm 28 now and have one beautiful daughter. But, we're not planning to have another child anytime soon for a number of reasons. But, there is a part of me that still wants to have another (biological) child. So, at what age do the chances of getting pregnant start to fall or drop dramatically...