How long does it take to get pregnant after a miscarriage?


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I had a miscarriage in June and had to have a D & C. I've had one normal period since then and I took a test yesterday and it came back positive. Do I have a higher risk of having another miscarriage? Or am I in the "safe zone" because I've had a period in between?
In any given pregnancy you have the same risk of miscarriage. You are in no more risk of having another miscarriage then if you had never had one.Congratulations on your new pregnancy. :)
I had a miscarriage in April last year and fell pregnant again in July of last year. I went on to have a healthy baby girl in April.Congratulations!!!! & Good Luck!
Many women experience miscarriage and have successful, healthy pregnancies with healthy babies! Doctors usually recommend one month before trying again just to let everything get situated again... You will be fine- take your vitamins and enjoy your pregnancy!Congrats!
I had a misscarriage in feb and had to have a D&C Had a normal period in March and April i was Pregnant again, im now 19 wks. its just about trying to stay positive through the 12 wks, as hard as it is and i know i was terrioble with mine stressing over everything, but i got told after a m/c and pregnant again go to the docs early so they can monitor the pregnancy. Good Luck i hope everything works out with you.
I had a early miscarriage back in November i was about 5 weeks along when i lost my baby. I didnt have to have a d&c because my body disposed of the baby on its own. Because i didnt have a d&c the doctor said i could try again right away and i got pregnant in January. I was told that if i did have to have a d&c i would have to have at least one normal period i think they said like 3 normal periods would be best but having one is ok to. Im now 32 weeks pregnant with twins and so far everything is going good. I think your gonna be ok, most people after having one miscarriage go on having a healthy baby! Good Luck!!
I miscarried almost two weeks ago. My doctor said that it's good to wait two cycles for emotional reasons but that getting pregnant earlier if fine from the physical point. The worry is from your emotional state. I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my positive thoughts!