After a miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy who had a successful pregnancy?


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I just took an ept it came back positive!!!!!! I am excited yet nervous all of my pregnancies have been unsuccessful one in a miscarriage the other ectopic (tubal pregnancy). So i am scared to death who has had the same problems with a successful pregnancy?Thank you ladies!!!! You all have been very helpful and supportive. I really appreciate the love and kind generous words.
I haven't experience what you have. I had one miscarriage then a successful pregnancy. However I know of a few girls who were in your situation and did. Good luck to you and congrats
My mum!My mumhad a few miscarriages, and then when she got pregnant, it was ectopic. She had that fallopean tube removed and was told the other tube would still work, despite her disbelief.I also have a brother.Congratulations, I'm crossing my fingers for you.
had 2 misscarriages one at 8 weeks and another at 16 weeks. One was a absorbed fetus the other a full misscarriage. Both were in the same year. Then I had a stillborn son at 5 1/2 months 2 years later.After tests found that my first husbands sperm was deformed and weak due to medications and medical reasons, we stopped trying. We divorced (not baby related) and I re-married. I have a 2 year old gorgeous daughter with very little complications. High Blood Pressure was the only issue. I am 37 weeks pregnant with my second daughter and due for a induction in a week cause of BP issues again but she is completely healthy for now.
My mom had 2 miscarriages and then an ectopic pregnancy. After that she got pregnant with my sister!! She didn't tell anyone for a few months, but the pregnancy was successful and my sister is now 10 years old! Congratulations and good luck to you! We've got our fingers crossed that everything works out great! You can do it! :)
Hiya,My sister and her best friend.My sister- 4 miscarraiages and 1 ectopic pregnancy, now has a son who has just turned a year.My sisters best friend- 2Miscarriages and 1 Ectopic pregnancy now has a 4 month old son.Oh i had two miscarriages but no ectopic ones and now I'M 12 WEEKS PREGNANT teheDon't worry everything should be fine. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!Sending love and best wishes xxxx
I had a miscarriage before a successful pregnancy.Try not to worry, and make your OB/GYN appointment.He may do an ultrasound right away to make sure the fetus is developing correctly, and in the right place.Good luck to you!
congratulations. i am also pregnant (5 weeks) after a miscarriage and an ectopic. I am terrified, like you. The only comfort I can offer is that because the two previous pregnancies ended in different ways that there is not a single serious problem like blocked tubes for example. If you look here: you will find many stories of successful pregnancies after ectopic and miscarriage. Wishing you the best of luck and I hope and pray that these will be healthy, successful pregnancies for both of us.