
  1. F

    Is "alternative" medicine a scam?

    I have asthma and am told to stay away from conventional products such as soap, shampoos, sunscreens, deodorants, toothpastes, and mouthwashes cause of the chemicals. I am told to STOP using dial soap, colgate toothpaste, right guard deodorant and head & shoulders and start using alternative...
  2. D

    vitamin supplements for teens?

    to improve my performance in school i wanted to take some vitamin supplementsi was planning on takingmagnesium 150 mgvitamin E 250 IUVitamin C 250 mgB1 (Thiamine) 15 mgB2 (Riboflavin) 10 mgB6 (Pyridamine) 5 mgFolic Acid 200 microgramsB12 - 50 microgramsIf it would help I have my average day's...
  3. M

    EU to set max vitamin/mineral dosages to indaquate RDA levels?

    The European Union is currently working to set maximum levels for vitamin and mineral supplements on sale in Ireland and throughout the EU. The Irish Government has proposed these should be no higher than RDA levels. Food supplements have a safety record which is second to none and farsurpasses...
  4. W

    what vitamin that can increase my fertility and my sperm count?

    What vitamins that can increase my fertility and my sperm count?They said sperm cells contains protein, it is true?
  5. X

    What is the best combination of vitamins to keep healthy and fit ?

    Is there a combination of certain vitamins or a really good multi vitamin that will keep a person feeling healthy and alert each day ?
  6. H

    What are some vitamins to increase my awareness and make me more alert?

    I have been feeling lethargic lately. In addition, I have been very forgetful and not very alert. What are some vitamins or supplements I can take to help me out?
  7. J

    How many different vitamins and Herbal supplements can I take at a time?

    I want to start taking different vitamins and herbs for different things that bother me like mood swings, hormones, headaches, irregular cycle, ect. But everyone prescribes something different to take. Can I take everything that they prescribe at once? People have said to take st. johns wort...
  8. B

    What are the vitamins or supplements that can make my metabolism normal?

    My body is thin eventhough i am eating always. According to my friends, my metabolism is too fast that's why the foods and nutrients i ate can't stay longer on my body. What do i do to have my body normal like others or is there any vitamins i could take in order to have normal metabolism like...
  9. What are the best vitamins and herbal supplements for building muscles and physical strength?

    I know these days with the busiest of schedules it is very difficult to work up to anything greater than a meager muscle. With that said not taking vitamins and herbs can be considered a fight against the workout. With the helping hand of vitamins and herbs what are the best to take for building...
  10. J

    What is the best brand of vitamins to use?

    I need to take some vitamins because my hair is thin and it falls out a lot. I also have dandruff and grease. Will taking hair vitamins get rid of dandruff and excess grease too?Also, what is the best brand of hair vitamins to use?? I'd like one for hair, skin, and nails~
  11. P

    What vitamins and supplements can help you to combat fatigue and feel more energetic?

    I've taken B12 but still feel a bit lethargic at the moment. What other vitamins or supplements can help you to feel more energetic?Mister - I'm a competitive dancer and routinely get at least 2 hours of exercise a day when I'm well. I'm an incredibly healthy eater, and am currently slightly...
  12. What kind of vitamins or foods would increase my energy levels?

    Im only 21 but Im usually dead tired. I don't know what kind of vitamins I should take or what kinds of food I should eat to increase my energy levels. I drink lots of milk and eat lots of cereals. Should I just eat more than I eat now(coz I hardly eat) or should I start taking vitamin...
  13. M

    What are the best brand of vitamins that don't have filler and have the purest and largest amount in them?

    I know most vitamins you get a drug stores only contain about 20% of what is needed because most of them are filler. Whats a good vitamin brand that is fairly inexpensive that is the vitamin in it's purest form, or has the least amount of filler and most amount of product???And where do i get them?
  14. What are good digestion herbs and vitamins? Are there any good multi vitamins focused on digestion?

    I have heard about so many herbs and vitamins out that will help with digestion but what is best? And is there an multi vitamin that is geared to digestion? Is Phillips colon health good?
  15. Is anyone finding good info on natural ways to help Autism in our children?

    Looking for info on Natural ways to help Autism and an easy way to do it (financially) I found a good bit of info on a web site but it is very expensive and totally out of my reach. Looking for a cost effective Natural way?
  16. M

    What vitamins and minerals need to be increased during pregnancy?

    What vitamins and minerals would pregnant women need to increase their intake of while they're pregnant? This is a question for my nutritional chemistry class and I can't find a good answer on line or in my book. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. X

    What vitamins and supplements should a teenage take?

    What vitamins can a 15 year old teenage girl take over the counter? I need real answers, not the quacks out there.
  18. S

    What was used in any successful autism diet? Can anyone give some suggestions of the foods that they used ?

    What are some of the foods that were used to dimish some of the signs displayed from autism. My son is 3 years old and he has it. He is nonverbal and makes alot of murmuring sounds. Did any one have success in stopping a child from making unappropriate sounds?
  19. R

    How well do different brands of vitamins work?

    I really think that there is a difference in vitamin quality that varies from brand to brand. I recently bought some Hy-Vee brand, Target brand, Nature Made, and Origins vitamins. How well, in your experience, do these brands of vitamins stack up against others?Thanks!
  20. B

    What vitamins can replace frest fruits and vegetables?

    I know there is not substitute for fresh fruit and veggies. However, as my life has become more hectic, I find it increasingly harder to fit them into my daily diet. What vitamins or supplements can I take to make up for this?