How well do different brands of vitamins work?


New member
I really think that there is a difference in vitamin quality that varies from brand to brand. I recently bought some Hy-Vee brand, Target brand, Nature Made, and Origins vitamins. How well, in your experience, do these brands of vitamins stack up against others?Thanks!


New member
When selecting vitamins, potency and absorption are 2 main factors.I would not recommend pill form of vitamins due to 2 reasons: 1. low absorption rate – Fillers and binders are used in order to form pills. Pills need to be broken down into stomach first before our body can absorb. Stomach is very high acidic, thus most of the nutrients are destroyed in our stomach before reaching small intestine for absorption. So with pill form, you are looking for absorption rate of about 10 to 40% depending on our body's digestion ability and the ingredients to form the pills. Please keep in mind that human's digestion ability is deceased by age.2. Potency: Minerals in pill forms can trigger free radical generation during digestion and thus the antioxidants in the multivitamin pill (vitamin A, C, E, etc.) are used to fight off the free radicals it generates, thus cancel out its antioxidant effect for our body.As a result, I would recommend Isotonix® vitamin line because it's the only isotonic form of vitamin in the market Isotonix line, since it's in isotonic form by adding certain amount of water to one capful of powder (it tastes great too!), vitamins won't stay in stomach and will go to intestine within 5 minutes so you are looking for absorption rate of 90% and higher, higher absorption rate even compare to IV injection.Not all supplements are made equally. Never look for price when selecting supplements, look for values and potency and absorption rate because our health is priceless!