Medical cost - insurance - medicaid - unemployed and confused -?


New member
My situation is probably very common nowdays with the high rate of unemployment currently - I just want to ask this because I am not sure of all the rules regarding different programs related to medical care and coverage - I have been unemployed since Dec 2008, I have no medical insurance. I looked at the general rules for "medicaid" in Maryland where I live - it appears to qualify, you cannot own a home, have any cash savings in the bank (or no more than $99 anyway) and cannot own a vehicle. Basically you can't have any assets. My doctor wanted me to get some diagnostic tests done for a back pain problem I am having right now (MRI, scans, etc) - and of course to pay cash for them might run into a couple thousand dollars, which I can't afford right now. (I barely have money to pay mortgage, bills, food, etc). Is there any program or anything out there which could help a worker who was laid off thru no fault of their own, has no med insurance, and can't really afford to pay for expensive med care with dwindling cash savings? Is there no other safety net for us americans without medical insurance? I am starting to think the only way a person can get any help in this country is to have absolutely no assets (atleast on paper) and go onto welfare, public assistance, medicaid, food stamps, section 8, etc ?? Why is it that there is just one extreme or the other, with no help for those "in between" who are caught and trapped? We need medical coverage and help too - My back problem is terribly painful and I can barely move, but yet I asked the doctor and nurse today when they gave me the RX for the MRI's and tests, and they said to just ask the hospital if there are any programs or payment plans. Its like at the grocery store the other day, I had only 50 dollars cash and was doing the coupons and calculating down to the penny every thing I bought (buying mostly the weekly store specials on sale) and then the young lady in front of me purchased 4 grocery carts full of food (all name brands and largely sodas and junk foods) for a total of over $600 and the person paid for every bit of it with her WICA card (food stamps).. Why is it this country is one extreme or the other, with seemingly no help for the working man or woman who has worked hard their whole life and is temporarily in a financial jam right now, and needs a little help ?? Can someone tell me if there are some programs maybe I am overlooking that I could apply for ?? Thanks very much.
if you ask around, you can price MRI's and cat scan's. Some facilities charge $300-1200 depending on what your having done. You have to call though. I am sorry for you situation and my friend, you not the only one in this situation. Check your county for public assistance or what the state might offer beside Medicaid.
I truly feel for you. No one deserves to go through this. I hope you guys in the States get your whole medicare disaster sorted out. I hope the government enacts universal coverage. Here in Canada, contrary to most neo-cons, we don't have "socialized medicine". Services are provided by private doctors, but billed to the government. So, there is nothing to fear (plus no co-payments, deductibles, pre-existing conditions, etc).Back to your question, I did some research and came across the Maryland Health Insurance Plan website. I'm not sure if you've looked into it, but it might be something. You get a reduced premium if you have a lower income.I wish I could be more help, but there just doesn't seem to be many options. All the best.