Sweet Potato Halwa

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Sweet Potato 1 large
Grated Jaggery 1 cup
Pure Ghee 1 tsp
Cashews 4
Raisins 4

Method of preparation:

Wash, peel, remove ends and grate the sweet potato.

Heat ghee in a pan, add cashews.
When cashews turn light brown, add raisins and remove from heat.

Wash, peel and grate the sweet potato (app. 1 1/2 cups).
Heat a pan, add jaggery and a cup of water.
When jaggery thickens a little (having the consistency of honey), add grated sweet potato.
Cook the whole mixture for a minute or two.
Remove from heat and pour into serving bowl.
Garnish with fried cashews and raisins.
Serve hot or cold.