What is the chance of pregnancy when sex takes place 2 or 4 days prior to ovulation?


New member
I just went off the pill 2 months ago, and I'm supposed to get an IUD next month. For the 2 months between my boyfriend and I have been relying on condoms, but one of them broke early Wednesday morning. I think I may have ovulated between Friday and Sunday. What are the chances that pregnancy will occur?
That's too close to give you a definite no...but that's pretty risky. You should go to Planned Parenthood or your doctor's office to take a pregnancy test just to make sure. Or wait until your next period is due and cross your fingers. If you choose that option, try not to stress; that will only delay the onset of your period.
about 50/50. semen can live for about a week. You should call your local planned parenthood or pharmacy and ask. The time limit to take the morning after pill has already passed. GL
sperm can live in the womb for up to a week - so anything can happen! since it happened a while ago emergency pill isn't really an option now, so your either going to have to wait till your next period or wait two weeks before u can take a pregnancy test.
According to online ovulation calculators such as http://www.ovulation-calculator.org/ , 2 days prior to ovulation is considered your fertile period as semen can live in a woman's body for days. So it is possible that you can get pregnant.
Its actually fairly high. Sperm can live a few days. Unless your boyfriend already has children, he may not even be feral so its not a defiant yes either. If you do get pregnant, you are more likely to have a girl. When u have intercourse a couple days before ovulation, the sperm with the xx swim slower but live longer so by the time you ovulate, its mostly xx still alive if any.