How Soon after you have a Miscarriage is it safe to get pregnant again?


New member
They say to wait between 1-3 cycles..My Friend didn't wait at all, fell pregnant first cycle and is now 30 weeks!Good luck and Im sorry for your loss.


New member
That depends entirely on how long you were pregnant before you miscarried. If you were very early in your pregnancy and miscarriage, say around 6 or 7 weeks, then you can get pregnant as soon as you feel up to having sex again. If you had to have a D&C procedure for your miscarriage then the doctor requires that you wait about 2 weeks before resuming sex so your body can heal. If you were far along in pregnancy and miscarried, say around 14 weeks or more, or if you had a molar pregnancy then some doctors may suggest you wait 6 months to one year, but that all just depends on the situation and your body. It is always best to speak with your doctor. In my own personal experience I didn't have to wait. I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks and it passed naturally and I resumed my regular cycle 4 weeks later. I became pregnant 3 months after the miscarriage. Best of luck to you.


New member
It depends. Normally you can try the following month, unless you had a complication with your miscarriage. I'd contact your doctor, he/she would have more insight into your situation. :) Good luck!!