Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 Sesame-seed hamburger bun
1/2 Extra bun
1/4 lb Ground beef
Dash of salt
1 tablespoon Kraft Thousand Isl. dressing
1 teaspoon Finely diced onion
1/2 cup Finely chopped lettuce
1 slice American cheese
3 Dill pickle slices/chips

1) With a serrated knife, cut the top off the extra bun, leaving about a 3/4" thick slice. This will be middle bun in your sandwich.
2) Place 3 buns face down on hot griddle or pan and toast to lt. brown. Set aside, but keep pan hot.
3) Divide ground beef in half and form 2 thin patties (use hamburger press if you have one-it works best) slightly larger than bun.
4) Cook patties in hot pan over med heat for 2 to 3 min. a side. Salt lightly.
5) Build the burger in the following stacking order from the bottom up: bottom bun--half of dressing--half of onion--half of lettuce--Amer. cheese
beef patty--middle bun--rest of dressing--rest of onion--rest of lettuce-- pickle slices, beef patty, top bun.