
New member
we're moving to a new place and the floor plan is very open so while i'm cooking whoever is in the family room can see me and Smell what i'm cooking. What are ways to remove the smell after i'm done cooking... oh and our kitchen doesn't have a window, Great huh!anyway please share some tips .. i was thinking about buying the new Frebreze candle but wanted to see what everyone else does.Thanks!!we live in a apartment


New member
You may have to get an exhaust fan that sucks the air outside, But for now, you can get a charcoal pre-filter, It's about $10.00, all you do is cut a piece to fit your furnace filter and lay it over your furnace filter and turn the furnace fan to the on setting and let it run for as long as you need. it don't cost much to run the furnace fan, the charcoal filter will absorb all the oders. You can buy them a Lowes in the furnace filter section, Holmes makes one kind.


New member
i have lots of big windows in the kitchen family room area. when i fry i open the windows. i live in a warm climate state o opening windows is ok. also i have a air cleaner on my cook top... that works really great... candles and other scents don't work they just mix with ur kitchen smells and when u leave the house evwryone knows u were frying food...

Jane Ellen M

New member
I too, hate to smell what I have cooked previously when I enter a room. If you do not have an exhaust fan, or have one that recirculates back into the kitchen, try burning candles. I burn one in all of the "exposed rooms," just be very careful where you place them especially if you have children. My grand-children are fascinated with candles, so I don't burn them (the candles, not the kids. lol ) while they are here.Or you can spray the air with a deoderizing (sp?) spray, not one with a scent, but one that just removes odors. Right now I cannot think of the name of one. There used to be a product in a pump spray by the name of "OdorCide" that was wonderful, but I am no longer able to get it. Good luck. Jane


New member
Vinegar will remove the odor of fried foods. Clean the counters and stove with it after you cook. Heat some liquid potpourri in a votive candle type crock (preferrably cinnamon, apple or vanilla) while you cook, when you blow out the candle, it will also help with the odors. Some people are allergic to Febreeze (like myself).