Vary the basic recipe for Homemade Ice Cream to make any of these delightful flavors.
Chocolate Ice Cream:
Decrease vanilla to 1 tsp. and increase sugar to 1 cup. Stir 2 oz. unsweetened chocolate into hot milk mixture in saucepan.
Fresh Peach Ice Cream:
Decrease vanilla to 1 tsp. Mash 4 or 5...
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup milk
3 egg yolks, beaten
1 tbsp. vanilla
2 cups chilled whipping cream
For crank-type freezer:
Mix sugar, salt, milk and egg yolks. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, just until bubbles appear around edge of mixture. Cool. Stir in vanilla and cream...
12 chocolate chip cookies; soft batch or your own homemade
unsalted peanuts or salted peanuts (or whatever kind of nuts you like)
semi-sweet chocolate chips
Set peanuts aside in bowl. Melt caramel down. Melt chocolate. Take cookie and dip really good into semi cooled caramel, so...
Bouquet Garni
4 t dried thyme
2 1/2 t dried marjoram
1 1/2 t dried parsley
1 t crushed bay leaves
Cajun Spice Mix
1/4 c paprika
1/4 c dried basil
8 t dried onion flakes
2 T garlic powder
4 t salt
4 t cracked black pepper
4 t ground fennel seeds
1 T dried parsley
1 T ground cinnamon
1 T dried...
to make 20cm across galette:
220-250g puff pastry (homemade or store bought)
Filling:don’t forget the bean
1)almond cream:
50g sugar
50g ground almond
25g soft butter
1/2 egg
mixall together. keep in fridge
2)rhum flavored pastry cream:
1/2 egg
1 Tbl sugar or a bit more to taste
30g flour or 20g...
The National Sandwich Idea contest was held between 1956 and 1981. It was sponsored by the Wheat Flour Institute. Each year 20 sandwich recipes, created by Food Service professionals, were chosen as the top sandwich recipes from hundreds of entries.
The Old Chinatown Pork Burger Sandwich was...
How to save money, make things homemade, organize... ladedaNot intentionally being sexist. Just want sites that are geared toward women and things I as a woman would be interested in. Don't know many men interested in make-up coupons, or hair dying tips, but if they are, more power to them.
I am a huge fan of Serrano's Restaurant in Austin, Texas. They have blended Tex-Mex with Southwestern Mexican Food. My favorite is the cheese enchiladas. Instead of the chili sauce on top, I request the chipoltle sauce. I asked them what type they used, and they said they made it homemade...
I am looking for a bunch of household hints, I do have one...After cutting onions rinse your hands and shake some salt on them, rub it in like lotion then rinse...the smell is gone!!
For example window cleaner, bathroom cleaner, floor cleaner, laundry detergent, any type of pet products, etc....I just want to try to go green and would rather make them myself, so any tips on how to make any type of cleaning product would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much!
A while back I was watching our local public educational television station fund drive and one of the gifts given was a set of household tips books. The man demonstrating the tips mixed a few ingredients together, put them in a foaming pump bottle and used the foam to clean carpet and...
Do you have any secret natural cleaning techniques?Im looking for a way to clean the inside of a microwave without using chemicals.All and any other tips for chemical free household cleaning would be appreciated.Vinegar, white or malt? or does it not matter?
I am a big fan of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, good old Ajax powder for cleaning tubs, and baking soda/vinegar combos for everything from drain openers to cleaning tile. Whats your household secret?
4 cups of sugar
1 cup water
(medium heat, stir together until it stops bubbling and is clear and syrup like)
Take off stove
add 1 lbs. butter (cut up in small chunks) and stir in until it melts
add 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract (optional)
add unsweetened cocoa ... use your judgment here (how dark...