Can having too much sex at a young age cause fertility problems?


New member
I am 17 and live with my partner and we have sex basically every day, without condoms cause I am on the pill, I've heard having lots of sex when your young can cause fertility problems when older is this true?
I don't think it's true.I know that STDs left untreated can cause infertility, so if you haven't done so already, you and your partner should go to the sexual health clinic and make sure you're both clear.Other than that, enjoy the daily sex and don't worry!
there's nothing wrong with having sex every day, except you'll get bored of you mate or partner.. sex is good for you health and really good exercise. you really have nothing to worry about.. when you get older..
Having sex everyday will not do anything to cause fertility problems later in life. What CAN cause fertility problems is STD's that go untreated. Chlamydia and gonorrhea can, if left untreated, cause infertility in the woman. It is important to ask your physician for regular checks against these two diseases because they often go unnoticed. So other than having a STD like these that doesn't get treated, there isn't anything regarding sex itself that can cause infertility. Take care.