Chinese Chicken Patties

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2 Chicken Breasts
1 Egg, Separated
2 tablespoon Margarine, Softened
1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil
2 tablespoon Parsley, Chopped
1 cup Bread Crumbs
1 dash Sherry
Soy Sauce
1 teaspoon Sour Cream

Skin and trim chicken breasts. Chop meat into small pieces. Mix with egg white, margarine and oil. Moisten with a little milk, add salt and pepper and form into oval patties 1/2 thick.

Press chopped parsley into center of each patty. Brush with egg yolk, sprinkle with bread crumbs and saute 5 mins over medium heat. Add sherry to taste, a little soy sauce for color and sour cream to complete gravy.