Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3 ea Egg 1 tb Butter, melted
1/2 c Milk 1/2 c Cream
1 ts Soda 3 c Flour
1/2 ts Salt 1 x Potato
1 x Parsley, minced 1 x Butter
1 servings
Beat eggs, add milk, cream, soda, salt and melted butter. Mix well.
Gradually add flour until dough is stiff enough to roll. (May require up to
4 cups). Roll on floured board and line a cooking kettle with the dough.
Place a large piece of butter in bottom of kettle and add peeled and
quartered potatoes alternately with small pieces of the dough. The top
layer should be potatoes. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and minced parsley.
Dot with butter. Add 1 1/2 to 2 cups water. Bake at 350-F about 3 hours.