Fresh Mint Liqueur

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1 1/4 cup Mint Leaves
3 cups Vodka
2 cups Sugar
1 cup Water
1 tsp. Glycerine

Wash leaves in cold water several times. Shake or pat dry gently.
Snip each leaf in half or thirds. Discard stems. measure cut mint
leaves, packing lightly. Combine mint leaves and vodka in aging
container. Cap and let stand in a cool place for 2 weeks, shaking
occasionally. After initial aging, strain leaves from liqueur, discard
leaves. In a saucepan, combine sugar and water. Bring to a boil,
stirring constantly. Let cool. Add cooled syrup to liqueur base,
stirring to combine. Add glycerine and food color, pour into aging
container for secondary aging of 1-3 more months.