
I'm babysitting a 4 monthe old baby and he wont stop crying i checked his diper tried feeding him i have tried everything! Could he be teething at olny 4 monthes????
maybe he doesn't feel good...there are alot of things that could be wrong...try putting him to sleep...i am not sure of him teething or not...possibly
relax did you try rocking him? or a soothing noise something like the hum of the washing machine or something like that (white noise) he could just be teething
By all means, if your feeling something isn't right, get your baby to a doctor. He may have an infection or something else. Don't take a chance.
Are you comforting him just rock the little guy to sleep and walk around with him he will fall
yes definatly he can be teething at that age. Alot of things can be wrong, take his temperture first, try getting his attention by making him look at distracting things.
could be gascould be sick like an ear infectiontry walking andtrying to burp him buti would call the parents and let them know and let them take it from there as to what you should doremember you are responsible for anything that happens while that child is in your careit might just be his "fussy"time but why take a chance
My brother was a crier and my mom has done all these things and they all worked:1) Try picking him up and walking around with him in the house while patting his back. It may take up to 20min but it might help.2) Is he hungry?3) Sit down on a couch and put a large pillow on your lap. Then lie him on his stomach (don't put his face down, let it rest to the side) as if he were sleeping. Make sure his head is on the pillow of course. Then bounce for your knees up and down lightly so it's almost a rhythmic rocking motion. Pat lightly or rub his back...if you're lucky (and this usually happens) he'll fall asleep and wake up refreshed! If he does, you can gently move him and the pillow into a safer place, or just pick him up and put him in his crib.
could be he's tetthing cause they do actually start to teethe at that stage my advice would be try to make him as confortable as possible and get him something clean to kind of chew on and sometimes as much as this kills me you just gatta let them cry abit if there fuzzy something nothing can help if you want more advice go on the parenting advice on here and ask them as well
It could be that the baby formula is not right for him and causing him pain. He's not feeling well or he just likes to be hold.