how can i clean my platinum/diamond engagement ring?


New member
does anyone have any household tips/advice for shining and cleaning my platinum solitaire diamond ring? i have heard that when you get it polished by the jeweler, you lose a little bit of platinum each time. what's the best way to clean it at home?
I've always cleaned my rings with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Get a soft toothbrush. It's always worked for me and I've never had any problems.
Well I´m not to sure about the Platinum, but for the diamond , use a solution made from 1 tablespoon of ammonia & a few soap flakes in 2 cups of warm water. Rinse afterwards in clear water and dip them in surgical spirits to restore their lustre
I've never heard that about the jeweler...and my mom is one so I hope I'd know! I just stop by the store every other week or so and they will do it for free, as they will anyone. :)
You shouldn't use any household products. a jewlery store can provide you with a delicate jewlery cleaning soultion that is safe for most jewlery. Also, platinum does tarnish or get a "bettina". Some people polish to a high gloss others keep the tarnish. tarnish does not diminsh the value of platinum. Also, While gold and silver jewlery may scracth. These scratches mean a loss of material. Platinum scracthes as well, but does not lose its weight. The metal is merely displaced to antoher location. A jeweler trained in platinum should be the only perosn you take it too. It should also be professional cleaned twice a year!
I know that one way to clean jewelry a for sure home remedy is to use peroxide. Soak it in peroxide, and then hand polish it as you dry it off with maybe a jewelry cleaning cloth.
I have platinum and daimonds, too. I clean mine at home, no prob. I use a soft toothbrush and windex multi-purpose spray at home once a week. I've never heard that you lose a little platinum with a jeweler doing the cleaning. Maybe they were talking about jewelry that's just platinum dipped? It's usually a mild cleanser in a sonic cleaner, or the steam cleaner at my jeweler. I watched Martha Stewart do it on t.v. She used ammonia and water bath, soaked it then used a toothbrush under running warm water. Whatever you do be sure you put the stopper in the sink before you rinse it!
toothpaste and soft bristle toothbrush. Scrub over a towel on the counter and dip in a bowl of warm water so you don't risk dropping it down the sink. Scrub lightly! (Toothpaste is a great jewelry cleaner! Avoid toothpaste with baking soda in it as that is an abrasive. Use cheap PASTE, not gel.)
A little warm water and ammonia works great. Leave it soak then either use an old toothbrush or soft towel to remove the grime.Tooth paste and brush does a job also.You can purchase jewelry cleaner and follow the instructions.
I use toothpaste and a soft bristle toothbrush on all of my platinum, silver, and gold jewelry. Works great and doesn't scratch.
I use toothpaste and an old tooth brush, and it works great. But my ring isn't all platinum, just my prongs. But the jeweler told me that was okay for it. Also you can boil water and ammonia and put hard stones in it, but I haven't done that. I also really like the wal-mart brand jewelry cleaner I use that pretty frequently also.
A denture cleaning tablet. Put your ring in while it bubbling. let it soak for a little while, rinse and wipe dry. It works on little particles under the prongs, like hand lotion, dirt and skin.