how do i calmly tell my man's mother to stay in her fuggin lane. i am ready to go to jail!!!?

miss tonya

New member
ever since i had my son, this woman decided that she was gonna run the show. i understand the excitement of the first grandchild, but i think she is taking this a little too far. when my son was about 9mths he had a fever to me it appeared he was cutting teeth. she demanded that he go to the ER bcuz she was sure that he was bit by a the ER the DR said that he cannot find anything wrong & that my son was probably teething. she got mad & asked him where he went to college..when i told my man about it, he called her & cussed her out. then his stepfather wanted to talk junk and fight. my man & i had a meeting at my house w/ them to discuss that we were overwhelmed by them and to back off, cuz we can handle it. they started calling us names because we r not wed.this past wknd we took the baby to see his biological granddad out of town. his mom bugged out & presented us with papers to sign our rights to her & her husband "just in case".we haven't seen them since. they keep calling.


New member
She is obviously concerned that you dont know what your doing she could also be someone who is considered a "control freak" . But at the same time, its not like she is doing any harm by worrying about the child. Your bf or whatever he is should be ashamed for cursing out his own mother. You people sound like rednecks

Some Dude

New member
Just tell her that you understand that she is excited to have a grandchild, but she needs to pace herself. Tell the kid will be there next year.
They are definetly not worth going to jail for. You have a baby that needs you. If you can't express your feelings for her to keep to herself and have him on your side, you need to maybe consider leaving until they realize you mean business.
tell her nicely do not be rude and also tell him how you feel before you go to his mother she is only tryin to look out for you but that doesn't mean she should take over. let her know that you are the boss but dont fire her now


New member
Rip the papers up, stick them in an envelope and mail them to the crazy nut. Then buy yourselves a strong sturdy metal whistle. Next time they call, blow the hell out of that whistle then tell them oh sorry, you thought it was that pervert that keeps calling you up. Send her pics of your baby's dirty diapers and add a note: Isn't this just the sweetest thing you ever saw? We wanted to share this special moment with you." Send her dirty dishes. Tell her you were going to send food too but you got hungry and ate it but she can lick the plate clean and still feel a part of your family meals. Send her dominos and a box filled with cheese. Tell her you are the domino champion and will plug her up like government cheese. I would drive that woman nuts and tell the stepfather he's next on my list.


New member
Is this her only grandchild? I would just be as clear as possible with her but @ the same time, be respectful (people tend to have to respect you if you keep ur cool) Plus it shows that you are the better person. Have ur man present, even invite them to dinner. Lay things on the line once & 4 all, if they except, wonderful, if they don't, remind them that they will ultimately loose. It's obvious that she cares(but is just a lil possessive). Life is short, this child is a gift from God to be shared by all of you.