How long does it take for one to get pregnant after a miscarriage?


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I have had two miscarriages in the past one year, my last miscarriage happened in january of this year, my husband and i have now been trying to get pregnant for the past months but we have been unsuccessful. My menstrual cycle is also not consistent, sometimes it's early or late and it is very light. Does it take this long to get pregnant after a miscarriage?
Hi, your body needs time to heal, you need to relax, you will get pregnant wen the time is ready, stressing your self is not helping.Perhaps you could see your local doctor and query him about your worries, he/she will know more about what is happening to you.Good luck
Go to this site: can become pregnant 14 days after miscarrying. Everyone is different. It may take months or even a year to become pregnant.
You should speak to your Dr and notify him/her that you are trying to conceive. A medical check up would be helpful, I think.The Dr will then advise you of what you should and shouldn't do to get pregnant.Since, this is September, I would assume that it would be okay to start. It's been only a month, that's not that long...Good luck and I hope that everything turns out okay for you and your hubby.
You shouldn't try to get pregnant until 2 months after your miscarriage. It's bad for your body and health if you start trying right after the miscarriage. Try going to a doctor you may need to go on birth control to regulate your periods.
I miscarried April 2006 and still haven't had luck since then, although my periods didn't become normal until December 2006. I hope it happens soon,.. good luck to you also! I am sorry for both your losses.