How much sleep does my baby need?


New member
I have an 8 month old daughter. She seems to be cranky and sleepy all the time. She sleeps about 10 hours a night, has a 2 hour nap in the morning as well as the afternoon. She's in a good mood for about 1/2 hour. It just seems like a lot of sleep for her age. No, she's not teething or hungry. HELP ME!!!
i think that is a bit too musch sleep maybe she sleeps so much and becomes tired ans sleeps againi dont know exactly how much sleep she needsbut 10 hours is not that bad throughout the whole day with naps i thinkask your doctor about what he thinks
Sounds like a growth spurt to me. All 3 of my girls went through periods of sleepiness as infants, right about the time they were either about to change clothing sizes, or just had. 10 hours, plus 2 naps, sounds about right for 8 months old. If your still worried, call your ped....but I'd say it's normal.
i just put in search bar: how much sleep a 8month old babies.and good information came up, check it out, it will did say that your child is normal at this age , they sleep at least 13 to 14hours with 2 naps (like your does), so check that out: put in search bar: how much sleep for 8 month babies.and hang in there, it does get better.
Too much sleep isn't good either. Maybe you should cut one of her 2 hour naps out probably the morning one and see how she does with that. When you sleep too long youi feel tired the rest of the day and she is just a baby so she wants to be up but she is used to having alot of sleep so it makes her cranky and she would rather fall asleep so you have to keep her woke. Give it about 3 days and you'll see a change in her as well as yourself.
i never knew how much mine needed, but i just let him decide if he was sleepy, and when he showed that he was, then id put him to bed. hed cry for a bit then went to sleep, thus creating a sleeping pattern when i did it for several days.
My 8 month old sleeps 12 hours at night and two two hour naps. Try putting her to bed earlier at night. Some babies just need more sleep than others.