Baby waking several times a night. Please help???

Cassius L

New member
My 7 month old daughter used to be a great sleeper, sleeping around 12 hours a night. Ever since we moved house about a month ago, she has been waking during the night. At first it was just once, around 2.30-3.30 am for a feed, but now she wakes up around every 2 hours screaming. I thought it was teething related at first, as she has just cut her first 2 teeth and was grumpy for a week or so, but now she seems quite happy during the day, so I'm not sure this is the problem. I have noticed her being a lot more clingy during the day though, and also a lot more wary of strangers, so maybe its separation anxiety??Any help, ideas or experiences would be greatly appreciated, I need to get some sleep, I feel like I'm going to go crazy!!!
I would give her another few weeks to get used to her new surroundings. That could be the problem. She may not feel secure there because it is new to her. Are you making sure that she isn't sleeping all afternoon? And if she goes to daycare or a babysitter, make sure they are not letting her sleep away the day. Then you will have to deal with her all night. It's a common problem. How about getting her a nice little soft cuddly teddy bear to take to bed.
She obviously is scared of the new place and is being hard for her to adapt to this new environment... i travelled with my cousins baby to the mountains and the baby had the same problem she was scared of the new place and was not able to recognize any of the things in her room... it was stressfull for her to be in a different environment than the one she is used to live in.Just try to play a lot with her in her room so she starts to recognize that as her space, give her a lot of peace and make sure for her that is safe to be there and that mom is with her there that nothing changed. other than that just keep with the routine and be very patient, it will take a while for her to get used to the new place
It could be that she got scared by something or someone if she clings to you thats a sign of she needs security and waking up could be that she has nightmares and wakes up screaming or it could be what she eats at night maybe she just gets bad gasses and it is causing her to fall into a colic situation could be the formula.
i think that your baby is still trying to adjust to his new 5 year old used to scream at night when we moved in the new home. later he told his teacher that he was scared of a "monster" in the window. so, we cut out colorful pics and glue them to the window. now he is fine. but your baby is small. my advice is take him around the house at day. show him everything. show him every window, every door , every closet,so he gets accustomed to the hide and seek with him or run around the house with him .then he will see that it is a fun house.also, at this stage, children can tell who is a stranger and who is friend. so, when he sees someone new, you sit with the 'stranger' with the baby on your lap. slowly he will get to know the "stranger'. don't force anything and keep new friends away from your house for sometime. relax, this will pass soon.
I have had a similar problem. All my children went to bed and slept well until we moved. Ever since, they have not done nearly as well. It's been a long time too! But I have a wonderfully large family, ranging in age from 3 to 20, so I have learned that they always outgrow these things, so I don't sweat it. Here are some things to look for: First of all, if she if only fussing after she lays down, it may be that she has a build-up of fluid in her ear, or even an infection in her ear. This is very painful, and WORTHY of screaming about. I would definitely bring her to her doctor to make sure that her ears are not the problem. If that is not it, here are more ideas: Is there something in the room she sleeps in that might be scary to her at night? Turn off the lights and look around it - from the level she is at. Are there different noises in the house from your old one? It may be worth your while to purchase a noise machine, you can get them for around $20 or less on This may seem obvious, but is she hungry? She could be going through a growth spurt. My daughter's baby started waking up every hour to nurse at seven months after previously sleeping well. It took my daughter two months to realize that she had almost no milk - she just assumed she was making plenty of milk (in her case though, she was also pregnant, so that must have helped to dry up her milk). Also, if she is not currently sleeping in the same room as you are, consider moving her in with you for a while. Even if it is not what you prefer, it would be worth it for you to get some more rest, and for her to not be frightened. Many cultures around the world have their children in the same room with them naturally. It just makes sense - it's easier to care for them for one thing. You could put a baby bunk or co-sleeper next to your bed. I will post some links in my sources. In the meantime, try to catch some extra sleep yourself during the day with your baby, or perhaps in the early evening when someone else can watch your baby for a bit; if daytime doesn't work out for you.
ok well my daughter went through a time like that twice once was when she was going through a growing thing and was hungrier more. And this si normal kids change. and another one when we moved into a new house when she was about 1 so it could be a new place and new surroundings taht are causeing it as well. I would talk to the doctor also he/she may be able to suggest something that will help. Sorry and I wish you much luck is you would like to talk you can email me at or add me to your buddy list