how to get rid of mice-any household remedy or tip?

Get a cat and keep her slightly hungry. Don't starve her so much that she gets weak. (Females are better mousers than toms.)
From my experience, some places have mice, some places don't. From my experience, places with mice have all kinds of nooks and holes no bigger than a dime that a mouse can crawl through. Fill those holes and don't leave anything that a mouse would find appetizing. A couple traps and you should be all set.
I have found that D-Con is not all that good. I opened one of the packages and there were white worms in it. I have found some bars that work good. The name around here is: Tom Cat. It looks like the same type of bars I bought from a professional in the Minneapolis area. In fact I think that that I have now I bought at the big farm store south of Mpls. It is a hugh store coming into the cities on I-35.
Glue traps are the best method to trap rats and mice. I found detailed information at