How to renovate kitchen by investing less amount?

Cupboards are a big expense. It is amazing how much different just painting the cupboards make. They now have paints just for cupboards. Second alternative is don't change out the cupboards,only change the doors.Use self adhesive tiles, and do the tiling yourself. Change color of walls, hey, I know you can do the painting. Most of the expense is labor.
Yep cabinet refacing or cosmetic redo is a good way to make a high impact on a budget. You can also install a pot rack, a wine rack, redo the backsplash, paint the walls, change the hardware, put some art on the wall.Also just shorten the list of how "done up" it needs to be. Kitchens are functional spaces and they can be beautiful but everything needs to be useful and practical. Decorate with necessities. Pretty bowls, baskets, etc.