Is it ok to start trying right away after my first miscarriage?


New member
I am going through my 1st miscarriage this week. My doctor said I would have to wait until at least my next normal period comes along (in 4-5wks) before trying again but I will be ovulating in 2wks and certainly can get pregnant again if I have unprotected sex. Even though my doctor recommended to wait, can I still try again in 2wks anyway? I'm just afraid to have another miscarriage but I really want to get pregnant soon.
NO you have to wait MONTHS not 4-5 weeks!!!... you have to wait about 3-4 months for you to try again!!!... otherwise you WILL have another miscarriage... you dont want that... chill... wait!!!... take it easy... good luck... and i hope you wait!!!...
my sister got a miscarriage last week. she was advised to take it easy and wait 3months before trying again.what's the hurry? wouldn't you want a healthy pregnancy instead of risking another miscarriage?i myself want a baby but have been told to wait. just be patient about it and it will dust!
you might as well wait. cause if you get pregnant and misscarry thats just 3 more months extra waiting anyway. do yourself a favor and give it time. i know its hard to wait. i did the same thing so now ive had 2 misscariges. one right after the other. its horrible. im sorry for your misscarrige
While best to wait and give your body a chance to heal from the m/c my friend had a m/c and got pregnant 2 months later and went full term with a health baby. I recommend waiting to give your body a chance to get back to normal. Happy Baby Dust to All :)
You need to give your body and mind time to heal no matter how strong the desire is to get pregnant. Its is best at least physically to wait 6 weeks.
I'm sorry for your loss! After my miscarriage, my doctor told me to wait at least 3 months before trying again due to the fact that your uterine lining isn't thick enough to sustain another pregnancy yet. If you do get pregnant, chances are you will miscarry again. Please wait a little while and just enjoy each other and let baby making take a back seat for right now. Let your body and soul heal. GL!
its best to wait for 2 full cycles before trying again, to give your body time to get back to normal, sorry to here about your loss, and good luck in the future
Yes, a miscarriage is the body's own natural way of getting rid of a bad egg. If the body doesn't feel that the egg is viable or that the environment is stable enough, it 'aborts' on it's own...and wants to start over. So it's a good sign. It's perfectly fine to try again. There is not a problem with it. Every woman has had miscarriages, with or without knowing it, just to let you know. It's you are, trying your hardest to get pregnant..and then on Yahoo answers, you see 13 year olds posting questions about how they became pregnant, whether they should or should not have the baby, and how they're so scared because their parents are going to find out and the kicker is...they weren't even trying to get pregnant in the first place! It's almost a joke, really. Just as a little story, My husband and I tried to conceive for a while year. Last year around Thanksgiving time, it finally happened. I think it wasn't happening for a whole year because I was stressing so much over it. I kept thinking about the baby. I kept counting days, researching my ovulation charts, reading about all kinds of crazy methods to conceive a child. I had baby on the brain. Finally in November last year, I gave up. I had a move to think about. I had to pack things, clothes, furniture...had to get an apartment, start paying new bills with my husband, make a road trip to our new state..things were hectic and I forgot about baby-making, and somewhere around that time, it happened. I think when you are anticipating a child, your body isn't going to respond only because of how the stress hormones are high even though you don't know it. And this can even put your cycle off. It sucks, really. I have some really helpful sites for you should check them out:Find out when you are ovulating: effects of personal lubricants when TTC: for Conceiving: chances of getting pregnant: luck..I know it's so freakin frustrating...but it will happen. Like I said, we tried for a I'm 37 weeks and almost ready to say Hello to my own little one. I do wish you the best.