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My husband has to go have a sugery and he is having it about 2 and half hours away. We have two daughters one who is going to be 3 in Aug she is potty training and has some mild allergies that are afftecting her at this time and a 6 month old who is teething and just starting her solids. My oldest daughter is also suppose to be in a wedding the week that he'll be in the hospital. My husbands sugery is on th 11th, the wedding rehersal is the 12th, and the wedding is on the 14th.I don't really feel like it is in the girls best interest to take the up there. I'm breastfeeding and honestly as much as I love my closest friends and family I don't feel like I should leave my girls overnight. My husbands parents are going to the surgery with him.Also we have just bought a couple laptops with some webcams so my husband can take his laptop and hopefully find a internet connection so we can see each other and communicate.Does that make me seem like a bad wife since I won't be there.My husband is having a tumor removed from his foot also having one tendon removed from his foot and a skin graft from his hip to his foot.I'm not saying I'm not going to make it up there at this time. Just not going to be there when he gets out of surgery. Like someone said I might go up the day after the wedding. Also I scared if I do go and take the girls for the day they will be scared about what is happening to there daddy.
You should be there for your husband. Tell your friends that you are sorry, but your husband and family come first.
God no!!!! your an excellent one :) for thinking in such depth :)your husband should understand and as you have webcams it will be fine. Men love new gadgets.
You do need to be there for your husband's surgery. Do what you have to do. Find someone to watch your children or take your children and have his parents help you with them.How would you feel if he has serious complications and you're out at a rehearsal dinner? You are his next of kin and should be there to make decisions if he is unable to.You shouldn't go to a wedding and wedding rehearsal while your husband is in a hospital without you. The bride and groom will understand your situation.I had serious surgery in another state (in order to find a surgeon willing to do my surgery) 3 years ago. I would have been devastated if my husband had not been there.
no. you cant stay in the hosp. because of your daughters... your husband can take care of himself, and specially if it'll be a mild surgery. besides, he was aware of these events, right?he will understand if you are not there. i dont know how important the wedding is.. may be if you leave after the wedding to be with him, will be okay.
First is the surgery serious? Is it something where you are concerned that it may not go well? If so, I would think it important that you be there with him and leave the children the care of relatives (if possible). If its not very serious, and your husband is comfortable with you taking care of the children and doesn't feel abandoned by you, I think its fine that you don't go! The question is are YOU ok with not being there?
He's your man, you need to be there. It should not matter if the president himself was there for your husband, you need to be there. Your husband should always come first in your life.
You are making excuses not to be with your husband. granted, you have little ones. Surgery is an unexpected event that can no tbe planned for. I would pull your oldest out of the wedding and be with your husband.
Great Mom, not so great wife.What is the surgery? If it is vasectomy, oh well.Triple bypass, I think you should make the effort to be there.Just a question, was he there for the deliveries?
It seems you have a lot on your plate right now. Your girls need you the most right now so do what you feel is right. It's good that his family will be there, and hopefully, will understand your situation. Good luck...