Oatmeal Sausages- Real good!

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If done properly these are amazing and SO cheap to make. My mum makes them in bulk and then freezes them and i actually prefer oatmeal sausages to the real thing. Believe it or not these actually cost only about 1p to make per sausage.. Bargain!

This recipe makes approximately 12 sausages

Half teaspoon dried sage
1 chopped and peeled onion
8 oz oatmeal
Pint of water
2 teaspoons of salt
A good grinding of pepper
Extra oatmeal for coating

1. Fry onion in the oil until light brown
2. Add oatmeal, then add water gradually stirring constantly, bring to the boil, DO NOT BURN, this will get very very thick
3. Put onto a very low heat for about 5 minutes stirring occasionally
4. Turn out onto a plate and leave to cool
5. When cool enough to handle divide into equal portions, make into sausage shapes, roll in dry oatmeal
6. Cook on a well greased baking sheet in a hot oven approx. 180/200 C fan oven for about 30 minutes turning half way through until brown and crunchy.

Enjoy!! :eek:hyeah: