Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder

4 oz (115g) plain flour
1 oz (30g) margarine
1 oz (30g) solid vegetable oil
1 oz (30g) caster sugar
Water to bind


4 oz (115g) dates
4 floz (110ml) boiling water
1 dssp cocoa powder
1-2 tsp whisky or brandy - optional
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 oz (30g) self raising flour
2 oz (55g) vegan margarine
2 oz (55g) caster sugar
4 oz (115g) pecan nuts

1. Start by making the pastry: rub the margarine and solid oil into the flour to resemble breadcrumbs. Add sugar, stir and slowly add enough water to form a dough. Knead lightly, cover in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll out to fit a 9 inch baking tin, and bake 'blind' for 10 minutes in oven pre-heated to 190C/375F/gas mark 5.
2. Soak dates in the water for 10 minutes to soften. Put them and the water into a blender with cocoa, whisky/brandy if using and maple syrup. Blend until smooth then stir in the flour.
3. Cream the margarine and sugar and add the date mixture, mixing well. Chop and toast half the pecans and mix them in.
4. Pour the mixture into pastry case. Arrange the remaining pecans on top and bake for 30 minutes in the pre-heated oven. Serve warm or cold.